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Geistlich Bio-Oss Pen®

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환자의 의료 및 치과 병력, 또는 골 결손 부위의 위치와 같은 요소들은 치과 재생 치료를 복잡하게 만들 수 있는 요인 중 하나입니다. 최근에는 치료 시간 단축, 또는 빠르고 통증 없는 치료에 대한 환자들의 요구도 증가하고 있습니다.

그것이 저희가 Geistlich Bio-Oss Pen 개발한 이유입니다.


Geistlich Bio-Oss Pen® 은 전세계 재생 시장의 No.1 제품인 Geistlich Bio-Oss® 입자들로 채워진 프리필드 시린지 형태의 제품입니다.4,5,6,7,8,9,10 –또한 전 세계 1,500만명의 환자들에게 사용되었습니다.3


  1. Data on file. Usability test Geistlich Bio-Oss Pen® 2021
  2. Karmon B et al.: Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent  2020 40 (2), 223-30.¨
  3. Data on file. Based on the number of units currently sold. (Wolhusen, Switzerland).
  4. US market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_USDBGS19_MS, Published in January 2019 by iData Research Inc., 2019. (Market Research).
  5. South Korea market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_SKDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
  6. Japan market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_JPDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
  7. Europe market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_EUDBGS19_MS, Published in July 2019 by iData Research Inc., 2019. (Market Research).
  8. India market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_INDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
  9. Australia market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_AUDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
  10. China market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_CHDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
  11. Data on file. Geistlich Pharma AG usability test Gesitlich Bio-Oss® Pen, 2011
  12. Galindo-Moreno P et al.: Clin Oral Implants Res 2010; 21 (2), 221-7.
  13. Orsini G et al.: Oral Dis 2007; 13 (6), 586-93.
  14. Jung RE et al.: Clin Oral Implants Res 2013; 24 (10), 1065-73.
  15. Chackartchi T et al.: Clin Oral Implants Res 2011.
  16. Dos Anjos TL et al.: Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2016; 45 (12), 1556-63.
  17. Urban IA et al.: Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2013; 33 (3), 299-307.
  18. Chiapasco M et al.: Minerva Stomatol 2013; 62 (1-2), 3-16.
  • 사용자에 맞춘 단순한 디자인 : 준비 과정부터 사용 시점까지 Geistlich Bio-Oss Pen® 은 재생 치료를 더욱 쉽게 만들어줍니다.1
  • 불가능을 극복 : Geistlich Bio-Oss Pen®의 어플리케이터 팁을 사용하여 구강 내 접근하기 어려운 부위에도 손쉽게 이식재를 적용할 수 있습니다.11
  • 정확하고 세밀한 컨트롤: Pen 어플리케이터의 디자인은Geistlich Bio-Oss®의 입자 배출량을 세밀하게 제어할 수 있도록 도와드립니다.1
  • 장기간 유지되는 결과물 : Geistlich Bio-Oss®는 세계 최고의 생체 기능성 재생물질로 혈관화와 신생골 형성을 돕습니다. 12  특유의 느리고 낮은 흡수율은 이식재의 안정성을 증대시켜13  임플란트의 장기 생존율에 있어 최고의 결과물을 보여줍니다. 14


  1. Data on file. Usability test Geistlich Bio-Oss Pen® 2021
  2. Karmon B et al.: Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent  2020 40 (2), 223-30.¨
  3. Data on file. Based on the number of units currently sold. (Wolhusen, Switzerland).
  4. US market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_USDBGS19_MS, Published in January 2019 by iData Research Inc., 2019. (Market Research).
  5. South Korea market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_SKDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
  6. Japan market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_JPDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
  7. Europe market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_EUDBGS19_MS, Published in July 2019 by iData Research Inc., 2019. (Market Research).
  8. India market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_INDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
  9. Australia market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_AUDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
  10. China market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_CHDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
  11. Data on file. Geistlich Pharma AG usability test Gesitlich Bio-Oss® Pen, 2011
  12. Galindo-Moreno P et al.: Clin Oral Implants Res 2010; 21 (2), 221-7.
  13. Orsini G et al.: Oral Dis 2007; 13 (6), 586-93.
  14. Jung RE et al.: Clin Oral Implants Res 2013; 24 (10), 1065-73.
  15. Chackartchi T et al.: Clin Oral Implants Res 2011.
  16. Dos Anjos TL et al.: Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2016; 45 (12), 1556-63.
  17. Urban IA et al.: Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2013; 33 (3), 299-307.
  18. Chiapasco M et al.: Minerva Stomatol 2013; 62 (1-2), 3-16.
"Geistlich Bio-Oss Pen® 은 입자 배출량이 일정하여 사용하기 쉽고 편리합니다. 저희는 특히 윤곽을 형성할 때Geistlich Bio-Oss Pen®을 사용합니다.”
Dr. Andreoni and Dr. Meier

간단한 3단계로 준비 완료 : 수화. 교체. 적용

 간단한 몇 가지 단계만 거치면 Geistlich Bio-Oss® 를 사용할 준비가 완료되며, 골 결손부에 바로 적용할 수 있습니다.


Geistlich Bio-Oss Pen® 핸들링 동영상

여러분의 선택이 남았습니다.

Geistlich Bio-Oss Pen®은다음과 같은 골유도재생술 및 세포유도재생술에 사용되도록 디자인되었습니다.

Geistlich Bio-Oss Pen® 은 2가지의 Geistlich Bio-Oss® 입자 사이즈로 제공됩니다.

  입자 크기 (mm) 용량 (cc)
Geistlich Bio-Oss Pen® small 0.25 g 0.25-1 0.5
Geistlich Bio-Oss Pen® small 0.5 g 0.25-1 1
Geistlich Bio-Oss Pen® large 0.5 g 1-2 1.5

두가지 입자 사이즈의 차이는 부피에 있습니다. 또한 작거나 큰 입자로 동일한 임상 결과를 얻을 수 있습니다.15,16

재생 관련 상황에 따라 가장 적합한 입자 크기와 용량을 자유롭게 선택하실 수 있으나, 저희는 아래 사항을 권장합니다.


  1. Data on file. Usability test Geistlich Bio-Oss Pen® 2021
  2. Karmon B et al.: Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent  2020 40 (2), 223-30.¨
  3. Data on file. Based on the number of units currently sold. (Wolhusen, Switzerland).
  4. US market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_USDBGS19_MS, Published in January 2019 by iData Research Inc., 2019. (Market Research).
  5. South Korea market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_SKDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
  6. Japan market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_JPDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
  7. Europe market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_EUDBGS19_MS, Published in July 2019 by iData Research Inc., 2019. (Market Research).
  8. India market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_INDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
  9. Australia market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_AUDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
  10. China market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_CHDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
  11. Data on file. Geistlich Pharma AG usability test Gesitlich Bio-Oss® Pen, 2011
  12. Galindo-Moreno P et al.: Clin Oral Implants Res 2010; 21 (2), 221-7.
  13. Orsini G et al.: Oral Dis 2007; 13 (6), 586-93.
  14. Jung RE et al.: Clin Oral Implants Res 2013; 24 (10), 1065-73.
  15. Chackartchi T et al.: Clin Oral Implants Res 2011.
  16. Dos Anjos TL et al.: Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2016; 45 (12), 1556-63.
  17. Urban IA et al.: Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2013; 33 (3), 299-307.
  18. Chiapasco M et al.: Minerva Stomatol 2013; 62 (1-2), 3-16.
골이식재 입자 사이즈가 작은 GEISTLICH BIO-OSS PEN® 을 사용하는 경우:

작은 골 결손부를 치료하거나 자가 골 이식을 통한 윤곽 형성
• 발치와
• 작은 골 이식 (Minor Bone Augmentation)
• 큰 골 이식 (Major Bone Augmentation)
• 상악동 거상
• 골 결손을 포함한 임플란트 주위염의 치료

골이식재 입자 사이즈가 큰 GEISTLICH BIO-OSS PEN® 을 사용할 경우:

• 큰 골 이식 (Major Bone Augmentation)
• 상악동 거상

간편함을 경험해보세요.

30년 이상의 기간 동안 입증된 Geistlich Bio-Oss® 골 이식재의 재생 성능과 사용 편의성11 덕에 세계적인 임상가들은 이미 Geistlich Bio-Oss Pen®을 사용하고 있습니다.14, 17, 18


  1. Data on file. Usability test Geistlich Bio-Oss Pen® 2021
  2. Karmon B et al.: Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent  2020 40 (2), 223-30.¨
  3. Data on file. Based on the number of units currently sold. (Wolhusen, Switzerland).
  4. US market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_USDBGS19_MS, Published in January 2019 by iData Research Inc., 2019. (Market Research).
  5. South Korea market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_SKDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
  6. Japan market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_JPDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
  7. Europe market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_EUDBGS19_MS, Published in July 2019 by iData Research Inc., 2019. (Market Research).
  8. India market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_INDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
  9. Australia market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_AUDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
  10. China market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_CHDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
  11. Data on file. Geistlich Pharma AG usability test Gesitlich Bio-Oss® Pen, 2011
  12. Galindo-Moreno P et al.: Clin Oral Implants Res 2010; 21 (2), 221-7.
  13. Orsini G et al.: Oral Dis 2007; 13 (6), 586-93.
  14. Jung RE et al.: Clin Oral Implants Res 2013; 24 (10), 1065-73.
  15. Chackartchi T et al.: Clin Oral Implants Res 2011.
  16. Dos Anjos TL et al.: Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2016; 45 (12), 1556-63.
  17. Urban IA et al.: Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2013; 33 (3), 299-307.
  18. Chiapasco M et al.: Minerva Stomatol 2013; 62 (1-2), 3-16.

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