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A Day with Dani Buser

호주 | 4월 12, 2025 - 4월 12, 2025


Park Hyatt Sydney, 7 Hickson Road, The Rocks
4월 12, 2025 - 4월 12, 2025
소송 비용:
1195 AUD (Early bird save $300 if booked by 15 March 2025)
코스 언어:
모집 정원:
중점 주제:
골유도재생술(GBR), 임플란트/보철, 발치와, 연조직 관리(임플란트 주변), 연조직 관리(치아 주변), 치료계획

치주과 전문의, 구강외과 전문의, 임플란트 전문의, 일반 치과의사

트레이닝 레벨:

고급, 복잡한, 고난도, 전문가

보수교육 점수 (Education credits):



A Day with Dani Buser: 35 Years of GBR – Surgical key-factors for successful outcomes with excellent long-term stability

Prof. em. Dr. Daniel Buser, Bern/Switzerland

In this 1-Day Seminar, Prof. Buser will present all aspects of GBR, based on 35+ years of surgical experience. In addition, the three treatment options of post-extraction implant placement will be discussed including (a) the concept of immediate implant placement with a flapless approach, computer-assisted implant surgery (CAIS), internal grafting and immediate restoration, (b) the concept of early implant placement with GBR 4 to 8 weeks post extraction and spontaneous socket healing, and (c) the concept of socket grafting post extraction for alveolar ridge preservation (ARP) followed by a delayed implant placement after 4 to 6 months, most often flapless and computer-assisted.

The GBR technique was initiated at the University of Bern in 1988 with the first GBR procedure. The first 10 years represent the development phase of the GBR technique, which turned into a routine application following the millennium change with many fine-tuning efforts, most of them based on a much better understanding of the involved tissue biology.  This Bernese GBR Technique will be demonstrated for single tooth gaps and extended edentulous spaces in the maxilla and in the mandible, including patient outcomes with long-term documentation and results of numerous studies with 10 years of follow-up.

Learning objectives

  • Participants will learn about the surgical key factors for successful outcomes of dental implants with good long-term stability
  • A much better understanding on tissue biology
  • Understanding the selection criteria for using one of the three treatment options in post-extraction implant placement
  • How to use Immediate Implant Placement with a flapless approach and CAIS
  • Understanding how Early Implant Placement is done using the synergistic properties of a 2-layer composite graft with autogenous bone chips and a low-substitution bone filler like DBBM
  • Why resorbable, non-crosslinked collagen membranes are preferred for horizontal bone augmentation with GBR
  • Understanding the value of socket grafting for ARP followed by delayed implant placement

Prof. em. Dr. Daniel Buser, Bern/Switzerland

Dr. Daniel Buser is one of the most experienced international implant surgeons with more than 35 years of surgical experience.
