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Contemporary approaches for hard and soft tissue regeneration at teeth and implant sites - Brisbane

호주 | 3월 10, 2025 - 3월 10, 2025


W Brisbane 81 North Quay
3월 10, 2025 - 3월 10, 2025
소송 비용:
1495 AUD (Early Bird Discount - Save $300 book before 12 Dec 24)
Assoc. Prof. Lorenzo Tavelli, DDS, MS, PhD (Italy)
코스 언어:
모집 정원:
중점 주제:
발치와, 골유도재생술(GBR), 임플란트 주위염, 치주과학, 연조직 관리(임플란트 주변), 연조직 관리(치아 주변), 치료계획
핸즈온 (동물, 사체, 덴탈모델 이용), 이론

일반 치과의사, 치주과 전문의

트레이닝 레벨:


보수교육 점수 (Education credits):



Contemporary approaches for hard and soft tissue regeneration at teeth and implant sites

Optimising traditional grafting with growth factors

Soft and hard tissue reconstruction procedures are often needed to provide an ideal peri-implant phenotype, in terms of bone thickness, keratinised mucosa width, mucosal thickness and supracrestal tissue height. These components can promote long-term aesthetic results, and implant longevity.

This workshop will focus on contemporary approaches for hard and soft tissue reconstruction at teeth and implant sites, using patient-centred and minimally invasive techniques.

  • Taking your grafting to new levels with novel dental growth factor GEM 21S®
  • Improve the predictability and long-term success of implant-supported rehabilitations
  • Improve less invasive surgical techniques
  • Explore opportunities of reducing surgery times
  • Discussion on how to reduce post-operative morbidity
  • The role of biologics in regenerative surgery
  • Hard and soft tissue hands-on activities in a small group setting 

The workshop will allow participants to use a variety of xenogeneic biomaterials to manage osseous dehiscence and fenestration defects (guided bone regeneration) and soft tissue volume/contour deficiencies on simulation models and pig jaws. Flap designs, soft tissue management, and suturing techniques will be discussed, as will the beneficial role of platelet derived growth factor (rhPDGFBB, GEM-21S®) on both hard and soft tissue regeneration.

Assoc. Prof. Lorenzo Tavelli, DDS, MS, PhD (Italy)
Lorenzo Tavelli, DDS, MS, PhD is a full-time assistant professor and the director of the Postgraduate program in Periodontology at the Harvard School of Dental Medicine.

Dr. Tavelli graduated from the University of Milan and then completed his three-year residency in Periodontics and Master of Science at the University of Michigan. He is a diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology.

Dr. Tavelli’s main focus in clinical research and daily practice is microsurgical and minimally invasive soft tissue grafting procedures around teeth and dental implants, where he has been pioneering in the combined use of High Frequency Doppler Ultrasonography and wound healing biomarkers for assessing graft perfusion and the surgical outcomes. Dr. Tavelli has been extensively lecturing worldwide on these topics at the main scientific symposia. He has published more than 120 scholarly publications in the main international peer-reviewed journals while serving as an Associate Editor for Journal of Periodontal Research and Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research.
