Japan / 歯科 / 製品 / バイオオス / Geistlich Bio-Oss Pen

Bio-Oss Pen®



それらの要望にえるため、私たちはGeistlich Bio-Oss Pen®を開発しました。

Geistlich Bio-Oss Pen® は、再生歯科医療においてNO.1の天然骨移植材であるGeistlich Bio-Oss®顆粒剤4,5,6,7,8,9,10 が予めあらかじめ充填されているプレフィルド・シリンジです。1500万人以上の患者への使用績があります。3


  1. Data on file. Usability test Geistlich Bio-Oss Pen® 2021
  2. Karmon B et al.: Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent  2020 40 (2), 223-30.¨
  3. Data on file. Based on the number of units currently sold. (Wolhusen, Switzerland).
  4. US market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_USDBGS19_MS, Published in January 2019 by iData Research Inc., 2019. (Market Research).
  5. South Korea market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_SKDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
  6. Japan market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_JPDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
  7. Europe market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_EUDBGS19_MS, Published in July 2019 by iData Research Inc., 2019. (Market Research).
  8. India market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_INDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
  9. Australia market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_AUDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
  10. China market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_CHDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
  11. Data on file. Geistlich Pharma AG usability test Gesitlich Bio-Oss® Pen, 2011
  12. Galindo-Moreno P et al.: Clin Oral Implants Res 2010; 21 (2), 221-7.
  13. Orsini G et al.: Oral Dis 2007; 13 (6), 586-93.
  14. Jung RE et al.: Clin Oral Implants Res 2013; 24 (10), 1065-73.
  15. Chackartchi T et al.: Clin Oral Implants Res 2011.
  16. Dos Anjos TL et al.: Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2016; 45 (12), 1556-63.
  17. Urban IA et al.: Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2013; 33 (3), 299-307.
  18. Chiapasco M et al.: Minerva Stomatol 2013; 62 (1-2), 3-16.


  • :治療の治療の準備から実際の治療まで、Geistlich Bio-Oss Pen® は医師の再生治療のアプローチを簡便なものにします1
  • 容易なアプローチ届かぬところに届く:Geistlich Bio-Oss Pen®のカーブした先端によりにより 口腔内のアプローチが難しい領域に届き、口腔内のアプローチが難しい部位にも簡単にアプローチすることができます。11
  • 正確なコントロールが可能ペン型アプリケーターにより、Geistlich Bio-Oss®顆粒の充填がコントロールしやすくなります
  • 持続的な成果:Geistlich Bio-Oss®は世界をリードする生体機能型バイオマテリアルであり、血管新生
  • と新生骨の生成を促します。12 その緩やかな吸収速度が補填剤の安定性13 –すなわち骨造成治療の長期持続性のための最良の前提条件を向上させます。14


  1. Data on file. Usability test Geistlich Bio-Oss Pen® 2021
  2. Karmon B et al.: Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent  2020 40 (2), 223-30.¨
  3. Data on file. Based on the number of units currently sold. (Wolhusen, Switzerland).
  4. US market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_USDBGS19_MS, Published in January 2019 by iData Research Inc., 2019. (Market Research).
  5. South Korea market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_SKDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
  6. Japan market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_JPDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
  7. Europe market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_EUDBGS19_MS, Published in July 2019 by iData Research Inc., 2019. (Market Research).
  8. India market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_INDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
  9. Australia market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_AUDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
  10. China market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_CHDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
  11. Data on file. Geistlich Pharma AG usability test Gesitlich Bio-Oss® Pen, 2011
  12. Galindo-Moreno P et al.: Clin Oral Implants Res 2010; 21 (2), 221-7.
  13. Orsini G et al.: Oral Dis 2007; 13 (6), 586-93.
  14. Jung RE et al.: Clin Oral Implants Res 2013; 24 (10), 1065-73.
  15. Chackartchi T et al.: Clin Oral Implants Res 2011.
  16. Dos Anjos TL et al.: Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2016; 45 (12), 1556-63.
  17. Urban IA et al.: Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2013; 33 (3), 299-307.
  18. Chiapasco M et al.: Minerva Stomatol 2013; 62 (1-2), 3-16.
Geistlich Bio-Oss Pen® は最適な量を充填することができる設計となっているため、簡単に使用することが可能です
Dr. Andreoni と Dr. Meier


本当に簡単な手順でGeistlich Bio-Oss®を正確で均一に骨欠損部位に充填することが可能です

Geistlich Bio-Oss Pen® の使用方法をご覧ください。


Geistlich Bio-Oss Pen® はGeistlich Bio-Oss® 顆粒剤のsmallとlargeの2種類のサイズから選べます。

  顆粒サイズ (mm) 充填量 (cc)
Geistlich Bio-Oss Pen® small 0.25 g 0.25-1 0.5
Geistlich Bio-Oss Pen® small 0.5 g 0.25-1 1
Geistlich Bio-Oss Pen® large 0.5 g 1-2 1.5


ご要望に合わせて、顆粒サイズや容量 容量を自由にお選びいただけます。しかしながら、以下を推奨します。


  1. Data on file. Usability test Geistlich Bio-Oss Pen® 2021
  2. Karmon B et al.: Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent  2020 40 (2), 223-30.¨
  3. Data on file. Based on the number of units currently sold. (Wolhusen, Switzerland).
  4. US market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_USDBGS19_MS, Published in January 2019 by iData Research Inc., 2019. (Market Research).
  5. South Korea market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_SKDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
  6. Japan market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_JPDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
  7. Europe market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_EUDBGS19_MS, Published in July 2019 by iData Research Inc., 2019. (Market Research).
  8. India market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_INDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
  9. Australia market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_AUDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
  10. China market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_CHDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
  11. Data on file. Geistlich Pharma AG usability test Gesitlich Bio-Oss® Pen, 2011
  12. Galindo-Moreno P et al.: Clin Oral Implants Res 2010; 21 (2), 221-7.
  13. Orsini G et al.: Oral Dis 2007; 13 (6), 586-93.
  14. Jung RE et al.: Clin Oral Implants Res 2013; 24 (10), 1065-73.
  15. Chackartchi T et al.: Clin Oral Implants Res 2011.
  16. Dos Anjos TL et al.: Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2016; 45 (12), 1556-63.
  17. Urban IA et al.: Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2013; 33 (3), 299-307.
  18. Chiapasco M et al.: Minerva Stomatol 2013; 62 (1-2), 3-16.


Geistlich Bio-Oss Pen® はその容易さ11 とGeistlich Bio-Oss® の30年以上に渡る骨再生療法の実績から、世界中の臨床家が世界中の多くの臨床家によって使用されています。 14, 17, 18



  1. Data on file. Usability test Geistlich Bio-Oss Pen® 2021
  2. Karmon B et al.: Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent  2020 40 (2), 223-30.¨
  3. Data on file. Based on the number of units currently sold. (Wolhusen, Switzerland).
  4. US market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_USDBGS19_MS, Published in January 2019 by iData Research Inc., 2019. (Market Research).
  5. South Korea market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_SKDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
  6. Japan market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_JPDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
  7. Europe market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_EUDBGS19_MS, Published in July 2019 by iData Research Inc., 2019. (Market Research).
  8. India market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_INDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
  9. Australia market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_AUDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
  10. China market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_CHDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
  11. Data on file. Geistlich Pharma AG usability test Gesitlich Bio-Oss® Pen, 2011
  12. Galindo-Moreno P et al.: Clin Oral Implants Res 2010; 21 (2), 221-7.
  13. Orsini G et al.: Oral Dis 2007; 13 (6), 586-93.
  14. Jung RE et al.: Clin Oral Implants Res 2013; 24 (10), 1065-73.
  15. Chackartchi T et al.: Clin Oral Implants Res 2011.
  16. Dos Anjos TL et al.: Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2016; 45 (12), 1556-63.
  17. Urban IA et al.: Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2013; 33 (3), 299-307.
  18. Chiapasco M et al.: Minerva Stomatol 2013; 62 (1-2), 3-16.
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