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Geistlich is pleased to announce a strategic investment in ReOss Ltd, which is well-known for its patient-specific solutions that incorporate digital…
There will be a change at the top of Regenerative Technologies at Geistlich. David Wemans is to become the new Global Head of Regenerative…
Geistlich has entered into an exclusive national distribution partnership agreement with StimLabs®, a leading wound care company in the USA. With…
The entire Geistlich product portfolio has been successfully certified according to MDR – well before the official transition period. The pioneer in…
As of 1 October 2024, Marcus Kieffer is the new General Manager of Geistlich Biomaterials in Germany. He succeeds Dr Thomas Braun, who will retire at…
At this year's "Move for Charity", employees of Geistlich raised $26,208 USD for coral reef regeneration. The amount was handed over to the ETH…
Geistlich invests in O.S.T Développement in France and takes over the worldwide distribution for its dental allogeneic product range Allodyn®, adding…
Geistlich has signed the agreement to acquire the medical technology company Bionnovation Biomedical in Brazil subject to customary closing…
Geistlich appoints Diego Gabathuler as new CEO. As a proven leader, he brings many years of experience in the MedTech industry and will continue to…