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Geistlich Mucograft® Seal

User Benefits

Geistlich Mucograft® Seal is a ready-to-use matrix with a convenient circular shape. The matrix provides an alternative to soft-tissue grafts. Geistlich Mucograft® Seal is indicated for the sealing of extraction sockets with preserved buccal walls in combination with Geistlich Bio-Oss® Collagen in ridge preservation procedures. The matrix establishes predictable dimensions for soft-tissue management.


  1. Geistlich Mucograft® Seal Advisory Board Meeting Report, 2013. Data on file, Geistlich Pharma AG, Wolhusen, Switzerland.
  2. Jung R, et al.: J. Clin Periodontol 2013; 40(1): 90-98. (clinical study)
  3. Thoma D, et al.: J. Clin Periodontol 2012; 39: 157-65. (clinical study)

Leading clinicians rely on Geistlich Mucograft® Seal:

Geistlich Mucograft® Seal consists of two structures: the compact structure provides stability while allowing open healing; the spongy structure supports blood clot stabilisation and ingrowth of soft-tissue cells. 


Handling video: Geistlich Mucograft® (PD Dr. Stefan Fickl, Wurzburg, Germany)

Geistlich Mucograft® Seal is a small round matrix designed to seal sockets with preserved buccal walls following ridge preservation.

Geistlich Mucograft® Seal is easy to handle:

Product Range

Geistlich Mucograft® Seal is a porcine collagen matrix for soft-tissue regeneration in extraction sockets.

It is available in a convenient circular form:

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Treatment concepts – Geistlich Mucograft® & Geistlich Mucograft Seal®