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Chondro-Gide® receives EU MDR certification

Geistlich has received MDR (Medical Device Regulation) certification for the European market for its unique collagen membrane Chondro-Gide®. The product has been used for 25 years for cartilage regeneration in orthopedics.
July 15, 2024

Geistlich recently received MDR (Medical Device Regulation) certification for its established Chondro-Gide® collagen membrane from the notified body TÜV SÜD Product Service GmbH. This important approval ensures that the collagen membrane in orthopaedics continues to benefit patients in Europe. “Our long-standing commitment to science, close collaboration with clinicians and clinical evidence has enabled rapid and efficient MDR approval. The demanding MDR requirements can be challenging for products with limited clinical evidence,” says Carrie Hartill, Executive Director Regenerative Technologies at Geistlich.

Over 140 publications prove effectiveness

Chondro-Gide® has been available on the market since 1999 and has proven to be an effective product for cartilage regeneration, as evidenced by more than 140 publications. The collagen membrane provides a protective environment, that supports the intrinsic tissue repair process − for example in the knee, in the ankle and in the hip joint. This is made possible by the two-layer structure of the collagen membrane, which optimally supports the healing and regeneration of damaged cartilage tissue.

The globally active Swiss family-owned company, which focuses on regenerative medicine, invests large amounts in its own research and development activities in Wolhusen. The continued success of their membrane products and Chondro-Gide®’s recent MDR certification underline the outstanding quality of their biomaterials.

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