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AMIC® Chondro-Gide® nel ginocchio

AMIC® Chondro-Gide® in the Knee - More than 10 Years of Clinical Success
Reference List AMIC® Chondro-Gide®
Literature Highlights
Literature Highlights - Use of Autologous Matrix-Induced Chondrogenesis (AMIC®) in the Knee Prof. Steinwachs
Literature Highlights - Autologous Matrix-Induced Chondrogenesis (AMIC®) for Cartilage Repair in the Knee Dr. Fossum
Literature Highlight - Long-lasting clinical benefits of AMIC® in the aligned knee Dr. Kaiser
Literature Highlight - AMIC® Chondro-Gide® treatment of focal cartilage lesions in the knee joint Prof Gille
Case Reports
Case Report - AMIC® + MC + PRP patellofemoral Prof. Steinwachs (German)

AMIC® Chondro-Gide® nell'astragalo

AMIC® Chondro-Gide® in the Ankle Joint - More than 10 Years of Clinical Experience
Reference List AMIC® Chondro-Gide®
Literature Highlights
Literature Highlight - AMIC® Talus Weigelt 2019
Literature Highlight - Use of AMIC® in the Ankle Joint Dr. Walther
Case Reports
Case Report - AMIC® + MC + PRP patellofemoral Prof. Steinwachs (German)

AMIC® Chondro-Gide® nell'anca

AMIC® Chondro-Gide® in the Hip - More than 10 Years of Clinical Experience
Reference List AMIC® Chondro-Gide®
Literature Highlights
Literaturtipp - 8 Jahre nach einem AMIC® Eingriff in der Hüfte Dr. Girolamo (German)

Rigenerazione della cartilagine

AMIC® Chondro-Gide® Evidence Summary
Reference List AMIC® Chondro-Gide®

Rigenerazione dell'osso

Orthoss® and Orthoss® Collagen - The Surgeon's Choice for Bone Regeneration
Using Orthoss® Collagen
Reference List Orthoss®
Filippo Baldini

National Sales Manager

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